Blackheads on Legs & Inner Thighs: Pictures & How to Remove, Get Rid of Them

Black, pesky spots on the skin are often a beauty problem. They can stand out, become itchy and difficult to remove.

For most people, weight problems and acne are the major cause of dark patches on the inner thighs and back of legs. If not, it could be chicken skin or even strawberry spots.

Knowing the exact cause will help you get rid of black spots on legs and inner thighs much more easily than when you are just trying every other remedy out there.

Blackheads are small yellow or black (as the name suggests) bump that develops on the skin. The bumps are not filled with dirt, they are black because the inner lining of the hair follicle produces pigmentation- the black coloring.

They contain oxidized melanin, the black pigmentation produced by melanocytes. These bumps are a feature of acne (a common skin condition that involves lesions frequently referred to as pimples, spots or zits).

They are easily confused with dark spots that occur from shaving, also called strawberry marks on the skin.

Can you get blackheads on legs and inner thighs?

Blackheads as said is a feature of acne. So yes it is possible for you to develop these bumps on legs and thighs.

Blackheads on legs and inner thighs.
Small, dark raised spots on legs and thighs.


The most common way of formation of the bumps is the blocking of the skin pores. This will be as a result of excess sebum produced at the base of the hair. This is often as a result of hormone changes, especially during puberty.

Sebum, an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands contain a dark pigment melanin, which oxidizes and turns black when exposed to the air.

This explains the dark appearance in blackheads. Sebum produced in the required quantities has the important role of protecting the skin. The oil helps keep the skin supple and hydrated.

An overproduction of the oil will have a negative effect on the skin. The sebum can form plugs in the hair follicles by clumping with epidermal cells that shed from the skin.

These plugs are known open comedones. Because they are open, the melanin in the bumps will get oxidized to become dark. That is the difference between whitehead (closed comedones) and the blackheads.

The comedones will fall in one of the three categories of acne bumps. The bumps will either be a comedones which can either be blackhead or whitehead.

It could be a pustule which is an inflamed pimple with pus or nodules which can be defined as deeper inflamed lesions that may be hard and painful involving more than one hair follicle.

Finally the bump can be categorized as cysts which is basically a large nodule.

From the discussion, we can say it is possible for you to develop the blackheads not only on your legs and thighs but also other body parts including the face, back, arms and body. We have also seen that the number one cause for the formation of blackheads is the overproduction of sebum.

The bumps are symptoms of acne- the occurrence of inflamed sebaceous glands in the skin. That is the next cause for the formation of the blackhead-the damaging of inflammation of the hair follicles.

What then do you need to do when you develop the bumps on your legs and thighs? Shaving, waxing and other hair removal methods are somewhat the common cause of damaging the hair follicles. This could lead to ingrown hair or blocking of the pores to form the blackheads. Below are some tips you can use to handle the black heads.

  • Make sure to soften the skin before shaving. This can be achieved by patting your legs and thighs with a face towel dipped in hot water. Take your time, no need to worry. When you feel the hair on your legs is too much, steam it first before shaving. Tight, dry skin is believed to facilitate ingrown hair. Steam will help loosen and soften the skin.
  • The other thing you need to do is to avoid shaving in intervals.  This way you will be able to avoid exerting pressure or pulling your skin taut. This way you are assured of no hair coving back into the skin to form ingrown hair.
  • The best way to shave with the grain, this means you are shaving in the direction the hair grows
  • After you are done shaving, lay a cool washcloth on your leg to reduce inflammation and contract the pores.
  • Ensure proper hygiene to makes sure your skin pores are not blocked with dirt
  • After washing, make sure you dry your legs
  • Applying topical acne medication has been shown to reduce blackheads by breaking them down, the mediation will also help prevent more dark spots from forming.
  • If you have to go out basking, make sure you apply some sunscreen this will help prevent the damaging of the skin by reducing direct contact between your skin and distractive sun rays.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothe. Tight clothing rubs and irritates the skin which could lead to the formation of more of these bumps on your thighs and legs.
  • If the patches become too annoying, you dermatologist may advice surgery. The process is carried out by use of a tool called a loop extractor to loosen and remove blackheads. To unclog the pores, microdermabrasion may also be used


On back of legs, inner thighs: A blackhead will appear as a skin lesion consisting of the hair follicle that is occluded with sebum and keratin.

Pictures of blackheads on thighs

As the name suggests, the bumps will appear black at the surface. The dark spots appearing on inner thighs and legs will be the same to those appearing on the face or any other body part. Those on thighs can also be treated the same way as facial acne.

A research by Brown University found out that most cases of acne can be treated successfully treated topical medication. The topical medication can help treat the blackheads and other pimple that appear on the thighs.

Through this article we have provided pictures to help with identification. The images provided are for illustration and cannot be used to substitute a professional health diagnosis.

If you do not know what the underlying cause of the blackheads is, please visit a dermatologist. Establishing the underlying cause is the first step in treating and getting rid of the bumps from your thighs.

The appearance of the bumps will also vary from person to person depending on what the underlying cause of the bumps are.

For instance, the bumps formed due to poor hygiene, where the hair follicles are blocked with dirt, oil and grime build-up on skin, will appear different to those formed by acne in terms of size and numbers. The two will also vary from those caused by an ingrown hair from poor shaving.


Now that we understand what blackheads are, let us now discuss what the causes for the formation of the blackheads are.

As mentioned earlier, blackheads are a typical symptom of acne. Acne is a common skin condition that results in the inflammation and blocking of the hair follicles. Below we have provided a list of other possible causes for the formation of blackheads.


Acne is a common skin condition known to cause spots, oily skin and at times painful and itchy skin. The condition causes inflamed or infected sebaceous glands on skin, it is characterize by pimple on face and other body parts. The condition is common in children and teenagers.

Overexposure to sun

Overexposure to sun can cut into the skin oil causing dry skin. When this is done for long periods of times, it could result in acne which is the main cause of formation for blackheads on skin. You need to avoid this, if it is a must you be out, apply some sunscreen or carry an umbrella.

Poor shaving and hair removal methods

Shaving and hair removal methods also has an effect of damaging the air follicle or causing ingrown hair. Ingrown hair happens when hair curls back into the skin or fail to completely protrude the skin thus growing underneath the skin to form painful bumps of blackheads.

Poor hygiene

Poor body hygiene has the effect of blocking skin pore with dirt, sebum and bacteria. This makes it hard for hair to protrude the skin. This is could be a possible cause of ingrown hair or blackhead on thighs and skin.

Other causes

  • Drug and food allergy which could cause folliculitis
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Irritation and friction causing the damaging of the superficial layer of the skin, this causes damaging of the hair follicles.
  • Hormonal fluctuation that cause fluctuations in the secretion of sebum

How to get rid of dark spots on legs

Blackheads forms when normal skin pigment build up in the oil gland duct. Apart from the bottom of feet and palm, these bumps can show up anywhere. To get rid of blackheads on thighs, you need to clean them just in the same way you would if they were appearing on face.

Different over-the-counter and prescription topical treatment designed to fight the bumps exists. Typically these bumps will take more than a month or two before you can witness the result, when using the medication especially for acne, you need not to give up. Make sure you follow the right doses.

For severe cases of acne, prescription topical and oral medication will be required. After diagnosis, your dermatologist will discuss the available treatment depending on your past health records and your current state, that is are you suffering from a chronic disease or a disease that suppresses the immune system.  You could also try the following to get rid of the blackheads on thighs:

  1. Make sure you shower daily and avoids harsh soaps that can irritate the skin or causes contact dermatitis
  2. Most dermatologist will advise on making sure your skin is dry and free from moisture, the best way to do this is to make sure you dry your thighs and legs by gently patting with a clean towel.
  3. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and skin Diseases recommends applying topical acne medication on your thighs to break down the blackheads.
  4. The other way it to apply adequate sunscreen to prevent sun damage.
  5. Severe cases of these bumps may be removed by a surgical operation. Your dermatologist will discuss the effects cost and how effective the procedure might be.
  6. Below are some home remedies you might use to get rid of the bumps.

Home Remedies

Blackheads on thighs and legs do not pose any health risk. They are however very uncomfortable and annoying to have. For mild cases, the bumps can be managed and controlled at home with a number of different natural remedies. Below are some of the remedies you could use.

Black pepper

Black pepper is one of the most easily available natural remedies you can find around. To prepare a black pepper remedy, you need to first grind a considerable amount of black pepper seeds into a coarse powder. Into the powder, add a little water then gently stir to make achieve a spreadable paste.

On clean and dry thighs and legs with the black heads, gently apply the black pepper paste on thee affected parts. Allow the paste to stay for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with a wet face towel. Repeat the process twice or thrice inn a day for a week, the black pepper paste will be able to rod the skin of the bumps.

For some people, the skin may start turning red after applying this remedy. If this is the case, simply run some ice cubes over it and within no time, you skin color will be okay.

Baking soda paste

Most people consider baking powder only as a cooking ingredient. Baking powder can also be used to treat and get rid of very many different skin condition at home. Its use will vary from basic daily hygiene, injuries, digestive issues, and stomach pain, sore to blackheads.

A paste of baking soda applied on skin will act an exfoliating agent. To apply it as a remedy, you need to first prepare a fine paste. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of clean water. Wash and dry the affected area then apply the paste.

Leave the paste for around 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Applying the paste should be done in a circular motion. Repeat this daily for a week for optimal results.

A paste of lemon and sugar

The other natural remedy you can use to get rid of the blackheads is lemon. Lemon is good for your skin and can be used to offer relief for sunburn, use as an exfoliating agent and prevent scars and dark spots.

Lemon can be very good in getting rid of open comedomes formed when hair follicle become clogged with oil, dirt and dead skin cell. The alpha-hydroxyl acid occurring naturally in lemon prevents acne, blackheads or pimple from forming on skin.

They are different ways lemon can be used as a remedy, the first one is the direct application of the squeezed lemon juice on the blackheads. The other way is by making a paste of lemon juice, honey, yogurt and salt.

After mixing a considerable amount of all these component, gently stir to achieve a fine paste which you can then apply on the affected areas of your legs and thighs. Allow the paste to stay for a 15-20 minute before rinsing it off with clear water or a wet towel. Repeat the process daily for a week to a get the best results

Sea salt

Sea salt is achieved by evaporating salt water. It is the other known remedy used to get rid of blackheads caused by acne or clogging of the hair follicles. To achieve a fine remedy, mix a tablespoon of fine sea salt with equal amount of lemon juice in a small bowel of warm water.

Gently stir to mix the contents of the bowel. Using a cotton swab, apply the resulting mixture on the affected areas of you thigh especially on the blackheads. The application should be done gently in a circular motion.


If you have tried the above remedies and their result seems to be slow, then it is time you tried cinnamon. Cinnamon is not only an aromatic spice made from peeled and dried bark of a Southeast Asia tree, but also a very strong natural remedy that can be used for a number of skin condition.

The remedy can be mixed with either lemon juice or raw organic honey to achieve a paste. Whichever you choose, just apply the resulting past gently on your legs to get rid of the blackheads. It is not a onetime affair s you will have to repeat the application until the blackheads disappear completely.

Removal treatments

Treating blackhead does not only involve getting rid of the open comedones, it also involves making sure you avoid scarring the skin after the blackheads have been treated.

Deepening on how severe the blackheads are or what the underlying cause of the bumps are, below are some of the available option used to treat the bumps on your legs.

Peeling the blackheads off

One of the easiest way to get rid of a blackhead is peel it off. This can be done apply a paste that will help exfoliate the upper layer of the affected skin or softening the bumps and picking them up. This should be done at home as you risk scarring your legs.


Dermabrasion is the removal of the superficial skin layer with a rapidly revolving abrasive tool. This is most cases performed in cosmetic surgery. The procedure can be expensive depending on where it is performed.

Dermabrasion is also a possible procedure that you can use to treat or remove blackheads appearing on thighs.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy uses laser rays to try and unclog clogged hair follicle.  The procedure is common in surgery and other medical or cosmetic treatment. Unlike most light sources, light from a laser s tuned to a specific wavelengths. This is what allows it to be focused into a powerful beam. The light is so intense that it can be used to shape diamond.

Applying whitening cream

Some dermatologist will recommend the supplication of whitening creams to try and get rid of blackheads. This should only be done once you have you acne or the underlying cause of the blackheads under control.

Using chemical to peel the blackheads off

Exfoliation or chemical peeling can also be done. Have your dermatologist examine the blackheads to recommend the most effective chemical to use to try and get rid of the blackheads.

Draining large pimple

For large acne bumps or blackheads, draining the content out can help get rid of them. This should be done by a professional dermatology to help avoid scarring or wound that could lead to skin infections.

 Applying retinoid

Mild blackheads can also be treated by applying retinoid cream. Have your dermatologist prescribe the best cream for the blackheads to help get rid of them.

Prescription antibiotics

Oral or topical antibiotics may also be used to prevent or fight bacterial infection resulting from the blackheads.


  1. Causes of blackheads:

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