How to Get Rid of Lip Blisters That Are Not Cold Sores

What does a lip blister imply? Is the blister inside lip contagious? Below, we are going to look at what causes a blister on lip, the difference between a lip blister and a cold sore, the symptoms associated with the blister inside lip, and how to protect yourself from getting a blister on lip.

What is a lip blister?


A lip blister is a fluid-filled bump.

  • It has the appearance of a pimple raised from your skin surface.
  • Blisters can appear anywhere on your body including the hands, feet, as well as the lips.

A mouth blister can take a variety of sizes and texture, depending on what has caused it to appear. It can be due to exposure to heat, sustaining an injury, biting your lips, or being bitten by an insect.

Sunburn blister on lips

During the summer season, many people want just one thing: to go out into the sun and have some fun.

But, not all people take into account the numerous risks that arise from being exposed to the sun for a long duration—either due to work-related situations or by choice—which often leads to the formation of sun blister on lips.

It is a factor that is particularly valid for people who have a very fair skin as they have an increased risk of getting sunburnt. Lips, just like the other parts of your body can also be affected by the sunburn, with overexposure to the sun rays leading to the formation of the blisters.

People who spend time out in the sun on a regular basis tend to have some sunscreen with them at all times.

But, as they apply it to their bodies, they do not take into account the fact that their lips are also exposed, and require some protection.

If your skin is sensitive, this means that your lips are also sensitive, and you will need to acquire a lip balm with a high sun protection factor (SPF).

Causes of sun blisters on lips

One of the main causes of a sun blister is constant or prolonged sun exposure. It is something that is valid for people who have to work for long hours’ outdoors during the summer seasons as well as individuals who are fair skinned. Trigger factors for the sunburned lips include:

Sun blister on lip
Sun blister.
  • Failure to use a lip balm
  • Existing sunburns, which may have caused the appearance of blisters in the past
  • Dehydration

You can avoid getting the blisters by staying away from the sun rays, especially when it is too hot outside. Additionally, ensure that you use a good lip balm when applying sunscreen to the rest of your body.


When you get a sunburn on your lips, it often is very easy to identify it, as it is normally different from all other known types of burns. Sunburned lips present with symptoms that include:

  • Splitting or cracking
  • Your lips could turn to a red or pinkish shade
  • Bleeding from your splits
  • Swelling
  • Dryness because of too much heat and dehydration
  • Later, peeling starts to take place as a repairmen process
  • It is acutely sensitive to your touch
  • Itchy feeling
  • Burning sensation that may be accompanied by inflammation
  • Because of the bleeding, it could start forming scabs

How to get rid of sun blisters on lips

Let your lips be

Tiny, unbroken lip blisters will normally heal on their own with time. However, you can speed up your healing process by ensuring that you limit the total duration that you are exposed to the sun.

You should also avoid touching the blisters while ensuring that this area remains dry at all times. Do not pop the swelling unless it is incredibly huge, as this can lead to an infection, which will require an even longer time for it to heal.

Keep the blisters clean

Given that the burning has occurred on your lips, it could become a challenge trying to bandage the affected area.

  • As such, it will be important to make sure that your blisters remain clean at all times.
  • You can use germ-killing wipes to clean the area, though you will need to check the ingredients that are present in the wipes.
  • Some wipes cannot be used in the mouth, as they contain ingredients that can be harmful were they to be swallowed.

To ensure that the blisters will not be irritated further, try to avoid lotions and petroleum-based products that contain licodaine.

Ease your pain

Almost all burns are likely to cause a painful swelling of your skin. You can reduce this and reduce the discomfort that you are experiencing by taking ibuprofen or aspirin.

Additionally, using corticosteroids or cooling gels will assist in moisturizing your skin, as well as easing your pain. Stay away from moisturizers that contain alcohol if you would like to prevent any further irritation.

Apply an antibiotic

You can use an antibiotic cream to make the healing process much easier. Prior to using the cream, make sure that your blisters are clean and completely dry. The advantage of using these creams is that they ensure that your blisters will not become infected.

An antibiotic cream that contains iodine or alcohol should be avoided as it will delay the healing process.

Drain the blisters

If you have massive sun blisters, there is a possibility that they could pop on their own, but if this does not happen, you have the option of popping them to drain out the fluids.

You will need to use a large sterilized needle to pop the blister. Once it is drained, make sure to clean the lips as well as dry them.

Water Blister on Lip

A water blister on lip starts to form when your skin layers separate leading to the collection of fluids. The fluid, which appears water-like, is the body’s creation of a defensive serum between your top skin layer and the tissues that have been damaged.

Water blister on lip
Water blister.

The water blister on lip can also be caused by a reaction to a skin product that you are currently using, friction, antibiotics, or biting the inner parts of your mouth.

Often, it is best to leave it as it is, but, if it becomes a nuisance, you can always use a sterilized small needle to pop it open, and then clean the area using rubbing alcohol.

Causes of water blisters

A water blister as mentioned above is mainly caused by a low-grade trauma occurring on the inner part of your lip.

The trauma may be in the form of an accidental bite, a reaction to certain medication, or damage that may have come about after eating rough textured food. If a water blister becomes infected, it is likely to develop into a canker sore.


Skin found on your inner lip tends to be very sensitive to trauma. Additionally, the saliva that is present in your oral cavity maintains a humid environment at all times, and this makes lesions to develop at a faster rate in this region. Damage caused to the deeper layers of your skin leads to the emergence of the tiny blisters.

On development, the blisters are accompanied by pain as well as a low-grade inflammation. To avoid any further complications, it will be important to make sure that the blister remains intact.

But, there is always the likelihood that your water blister could be drained accidentally while you are chewing.

At this point, if you do not apply an antibiotic or antiseptic, the chances of the lesions becoming infected increase two-fold.

Additionally, the local inflammation that is present in these lesions tends to be more dramatic, which may lead to the collection of pus. You should also note that canker sores are naturally more painful as compared to the water blisters.

A recurrence of the blister can be attributed to factors such as:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • High body temperatures
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Dental surgery
  • Friction
  • Biting the inner part of your mouth
  • Reaction to a particular product

How long do they last?

Before they can heal completely, they can last for between two and three weeks. But, the good news is that there are certain home remedies that you can use to hasten the healing process of your blister.

If you happen to have a very weak immune system, you may be required to seek medical attention. You may also have to visit a physician if:

  1. You experience frequent recurrent outbreaks
  2. The symptoms have become severe
  3. This infection begins to affect your eyesight.

How to get rid of water blisters

The outbreak of a water blister on lips is normally accompanied by itching, tingling, and in some cases, a burning sensation, which all leads to a person experiencing a lot of discomforts.

However, you can reduce the pain being experienced by trying out a few home remedies. Many of the recommended home remedies are obtained from natural ingredients and sources that are readily available at home, making them cheap, and easy to use them. They are:

  1. Ice compress–It is the ideal home remedy to use on a blister that is itchy and one that has a burning sensation. With an ice compress, you have to make sure that the ice is wrapped using a clean sheet. The application should be done each hour until you experience some relief. Make sure that you do not apply it for more than five minutes at a time as this may lead to more problems.
  2. Milk compress–Refrigerated milk comes in handy when dealing with unwanted water blisters. It is recommended as a home remedy for treating blisters because of its essential proteins, which are needed to hasten the healing process. In addition, the cold temperatures from the milk will assist in cooling your blisters, and relieve burning sensations, and any pain that you may be experiencing at the moment.
  3. Tea tree oil–It comes with powerful antiviral properties, which are needed to ensure that the blisters will not start spreading. You need to ensure that you obtain tea tree oil as soon as possible, and proceed to apply it immediately over the blisters. It helps ensure that severe blisters do not end up being formed in the region that is affected.
  4. Apple cider vinegar—It assists in healing the water blisters by drying them. In addition, it helps in killing bacteria, which may lead to the development of more infections in the affected area. You can use a cotton ball when applying the ACV.

Fever Blisters on Lips

Fever blisters and cold sores are mainly caused by HSV-1 (the herpes simplex virus). The HSV-1 virus is transmitted from one person to the next through skin contact or by saliva (by using the same glass as an infected person or directly).

White blisters on lips

Upon infection, cold sores start to appear on the lips in the form of tiny clustered blisters. Eight to ten people have this virus, which is responsible for causing cold sores, according to the Center for Disease Control. In many cases, an individual gets infected with the virus before their tenth birthday.

After the initial infection, the HSV-1 virus tends to remain inactive (dormant) in your facial nerves. But, for some, it will from time to time become active, and when these happen, a lip blister appears. The virus can be activated by a fever or a cold.

What causes fever blisters on lips?

As mentioned above, the herpes simplex virus is the primary reason for the fever blisters, which are also known as oral herpes or cold sores.

  • After infection, the sores can spread to other parts of your body including the genital region.
  • In many circumstances, the symptoms will not appear immediately after infection, and it could be a while before you realize that you have this virus.
  • The virus can also lie dormant in your body and become active every once in a while.
  • Typically, the blister outbreak will take place when your body is not entirely

Can stress cause blisters on lips? Stress is one of the factors that can trigger an outbreak of blisters on your lips. Other triggers include:

  • Fatigue
  • Extensive exposure to the sun
  • Depression
  • Fluctuation of hormone levels
  • Trauma or injury to the afflicted region
  • Dental procedures

Other health conditions that can also act as a trigger are:

  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • High-grade fever
  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches
  • Dehydration
  • Sore throat

Are fever blisters on lips contagious?

YES. Fever blisters can appear in your mouth, on the lips, and even on your gums. It is vital to understand that these blisters are very contagious.

Even though there are numerous triggers for the blisters as mentioned earlier, it is difficult to associate an outbreak with any specific trigger. Additionally, no cure has yet been found for the virus that is responsible for causing these cold sores.

But, it is possible to reduce the severity and number of your blister outbreaks by establishing what causes them, and then avoiding the triggers altogether.

Just as is the case with genital herpes, oral herpes can also be spread from one person to the next even the sores are not visible or present.

It is, however possible to reduce the risk of transmission by ensuring that you wash your hands when you have cold sores, as they are normally transmitted via touch. In the case of a cold sore, it can only be transmitted when the sore is visible. However, the herpes virus may be spread even when there are no sores or symptoms.

How to heal fever blisters on lips?

Topical ointments and essential oils may cause irritation to your skin, and therefore, you should perform a patch test beforehand. Additionally, you will be required to dilute the essential oils using a carrier oil prior to use.

Press ice on the fever blister

Ice assists in treating inflammation by reducing the amount of blood that is going to the affected region. It will also numb this area, thereby reducing the amount of pain that you experience. However, this is only a temporary treatment option.

  1. Take an ice pack and wrap it using a cloth or towel
  2. Place it on your lip for at least five minutes
  3. On the other hand, you can apply an ice cube directly to the blister, if you do not experience too much pain

Oregano oil

When observed from a cellular level, oregano oil has been shown to inhibit different viruses affecting both humans and animals, including the herpes virus.

  1. Dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil in the ratio of 1:1
  2. Use a cotton ball to apply the diluted oil to the affected region for as long as you can
  3. You should repeat this step a few times in a day
  4. Continue application until your blisters are healed completely

Milk blister on lip of baby

A breastfeeding mother will normally expect to experience some side effects associated with breastfeeding their young ones, which may include plugged ducts or sore nipples.

Milk blisters on baby lips
Milk blister on baby.

But, many do not know that their babies may also experience side effects that may include the development of white milk blisters on lip of baby because of breastfeeding.

The blister normally appears as unsightly but is not as serious as it appears. As such, you should not reduce the feeding sessions or opt to use the bottle just because the toddler has developed a milk blister. Understanding the milk blister on lip of baby can assist in reducing a mother’s worry.

What causes a milk blister on baby’s lips?

The main cause of these white milk blisters is the vigorous sucking that is associated with the breastfeeding task.

There are babies that are born with these blisters, especially in a case where the baby sucked on its thumb while still in the womb.

Newborns perform the repetitive sucking of movement for several hours in one day, which then causes the calluses or the blisters to appear on the upper lips of the baby.

Often, the milk blisters on baby’s lips are more likely to appear during the initial months of the baby’s life, according to information published by the Ruch Clinic.

While they are in this stage, the babies will be sucking after every two to three hours, which generates sucking related friction. The friction then causes the blisters to start developing.

In some cases, the blisters could go away after a feeding session, while in other cases they could last for months before going away. As the baby starts adjusting to baby feeding, the blisters should disappear after a few weeks.

Treatment and remedies for milk blisters on lips

A lip blister caused by breastfeeding does not require any kind of treatment as it does not cause your baby any harm, according to Parents Magazine.

As a mother, you should therefore not allow these tiny and harmless white milk blisters to impede your efforts to breastfeed your baby properly.

Even though the repetitive sucking may cause the blisters to remain on the lips, keep in mind that they are only unsightly, but they are not harmful in any way.

Milk blisters on baby’s lips are more common in babies that have been breastfed, but they can also appear in a child that is being bottle-fed. A baby applies the same sucking motion they use when breastfeeding to obtain milk from the feeding bottle.

But, in bottles, the milk flow tends to be faster, which means that less vigorous sucking is needed, thereby reducing the chances of your child getting the lip blisters. If a bottle-fed baby develops such a blister, no treatment will be required, as it will similarly go away on its own with time.

Blood Blister on Lip

Blood blisters are also referred to as fever blisters, and they can appear on your lip, inside lip, or behind the lip. In addition, there are people who end up getting the blisters either on top or below their lips. Therefore, you should not be surprised to get a blood blister on lip.

Blood blister on lip
Blood blister

The blister is not hard to identify as it is in the form of a tiny bump that is filled with a fluid, and which is on your lip.

For some people, the blister may be a bit darker than in others, while others may have a purple looking blister. The color of your blood blister will depend on the cause and the length of time that it has been present.

Causes of blood blisters on lips

There are a number of explanations why the blood blister may occur, with some of the causes being health related, while others have to do with your lifestyle preferences. Some of the causes include:

Dark blood blister resulting from excessive smoking and alcohol intake

If you are a habitual smoker, it is recommended that you stop the habit as soon as possible. When you smoke, your lips become dry, and the body becomes intoxicated from the chemicals that are present in the tobacco.

Smoking is one of the central causes of lip cancer. As you smoke, you are exposing the mucous membranes that are present to the harmful chemicals, and in the end, you get tiny white blisters that are very dry.

Additionally, cigars have chemicals, which irritate your skin, causing you to end up with tiny red bumps on the lips.

After a cold sore

Herpes is the main cause of blistering on your mouth. If you have a very bad sore, they could worsen and become filled with pus and blood.

A cold sore can cause these blisters to become painful, and they can last for between one and two weeks, thereby causing nasal congestion and a sore throat.

How to heal a blood blister on your lip?

You can utilize these home remedies to get rid of the blood blister on your lip. They include:


It has for many years been used in treating various skin conditions due to its many skin and health benefits.

To use ginger for blood blister on lip, you have to extract its juice, and then apply it to the blister using a cotton bud. Make sure to repeat its application at least five times each day

Tea bags

Black and green tea comes with anti-inflammatory properties because of the flavonoid contents. The features are vital in reducing inflammation, which is crucial for the blisters to start healing.

Once you have taken your tea, you should pick the used tea bag, and place it in your refrigerator for about half an hour.

After this, place it on the blister, and leave it there for five minutes. Recap the tea bag application process a few times each day.

Small white blisters inside lips

When you develop small bumps on lips, you are likely going to start feeling self-conscious, especially when you do not know what has caused them.Small white blisters inside lips

The small white blisters inside lips can be caused by a number of factors that include:

  • Oral thrush
  • Oral cancer
  • Milia
  • Herpes simplex
  • Fordyce spots

In some cases, the bumps are nothing more but a genetic variation. There are those who have birthmarks or moles, and there are those that have the bumps on their lips.

Blister on lip not cold sore

Blister on lip can appear with a black tip, white tip, and in some cases no tip at all. Lip blister not cold sore can form in any part of your body including the lips and are caused by fur follicles that have become blocked with dead skin cells or clogged oil.

When the extra sebum begins building up, the dead skin cells will also build up, and this results in the formation of a pimple like blister.

Home remedies for a lip blister

As seen above, lip blisters can be caused by very many varying factors. However, there are home remedies that you can use to soothe the discomfort that comes with having a blister.

These remedies are cheap and easy to use, as they are readily available in many homes.

1. Tea tree oil

It can be used to quickly treat and reduce the symptoms associated with lip blister not cold sore thanks to its powerful antiviral properties.

What to do at home

  1. Take three parts of water and use them to dilute a single part of tea tree oil. You will require a cotton ball to apply the tea tree oil on your lip blisters. The application should be done at least four times a day, and within no time, the blister should have started to heal.
  2. Alternatively, you can combine olive oil with tea tree oil in equal portions. Make sure to add a small amount of eucalyptus oil. You will then need to apply the resulting solution on your blister for a period of five days, making sure that application is done two to three times in one day.

2. Whole milk

Whole milk is another effective remedy for dealing with blisters. It comes with calcium and immunoglobulins that are essential for fighting the viruses that cause the appearance of the blisters. Additionally, it also assists in enhancing your healing process.

What to do at home

  1. Obtain a cotton bud and soak it in a bowl of refrigerated whole milk, and proceed to apply it over all the region affected by these blisters. You should leave it in place for at least ten minutes. Cold milk is recommended as it assists in reducing pain, and in soothing any tingling sensation, you could be experiencing. You need to ensure that you repeat application for at least four days.
  2. Alternatively, you can take a glass of whole milk that has been combined with a single teaspoon of turmeric. Ensure that you take the solution at least two times daily for seven days. Turmeric is vital as it assists in reducing the pain that is associated with these blisters.

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