Ingrown Hair Cyst: Removal & How to Get Rid, Pop, Treat Deep Infected Pubic Follicles (Pictures)

An ingrown hair cyst can be deep and painful in areas with hair such as the bikinis, thighs, neck, face and armpits.

When infected, they can become abscesses or boils. Here are pictures, removal procedure, treatment for infected cysts and how to get rid of ingrown hair follicle cysts naturally.

What is an ingrown hair cyst?

An ingrown hair cyst is a hair follicle cyst. It is sometimes called a trichilemmal cyst although most people confuse it with a pilonidal cyst (which is a cyst that develops at the tailbone).

Other names for follicle cysts are pilar, wen or isthmus-catagen cyst.

large ingrown hair cyst
The cysts can appear as large lumps or boils.

In some cases, sebaceous cysts are also confused with embedded hair cysts because of the lack of infection.

However, sebaceous bumps are often described as small lumps that feel trapped under the skin. Ingrown hair cysts affect the face, groin, armpit, bikini, inner thigh, under the chin, near the groin, on the penile shaft and mostly on the scalp.

Cysts that form above buttocks or near anus or at the base of the spine are mostly pilonidal cysts.

Is it an ingrown hair or cyst?

What is the difference between cysts on hairs and normal cysts? The two have many similarities and can easily be confused because they may both result in fluid-filled pockets under the skin. SEE ALSO: INGROWN ARMPIT HAIR AND CYSTS

Both and even sebaceous cysts form lumps that may be visible on the skin and can also be felt as hard lumps. Here are a few differences between them.

Ingrown hair Cysts
Embedded hairs form when hair curves and grows downward into the skin.

The reason why it is confused with a cyst is the fluid that forms around the hair follicle that looks like a pimple or a blister sometimes called a hair bump.

On the other hand, normal cysts may have no relationship with shaving or hair growing back into the skin.

They may be caused with tumors, inflammation and infections.

An ingrown hair cyst is comparatively smaller – a smaller bump – compared to the large cysts that develop on the skin. Cysts can grow large on the skin and form visible fluid-filled pockets that can easily get infected.


Now that you know the difference, what causes these cysts? Below are the different possible causes of hair follicle cysts on face, pubes and armpits.


What does an ingrown hair cyst look like? To help you understand how they look like or appear, below is a photo of a cyst from ingrowing hairs. We have also added more images in the post to help with the identification of your symptoms.

how to pop an infected ingrown hair cyst


It is known that 90 percent of ingrown follicle cysts form on the scalp. A little more cases develop on the face, underarms and pubic area respectively.

The reason for this occurrence is that the high hair follicle concentration in these areas of the body encourage their formation.

Here are the known causes of hair follicle cysts on scalp, face and bikini area.

1. Waxing and shaving poorly

One of the major causes of these cysts is improper shaving techniques. Before the cysts start, razor burn on skin appears, which is followed by razor bumps and embedded hairs. Cysts on ingrown hairs may or may not form depending on the care routine you will have.

  • To prevent ingrown hair follicles on your face, thighs and bikini area, lather properly before shaving.
  • Exfoliate your skin before shaving to remove any debris that may cause bumps and ingrown hairs.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth and not against it. When you shave against your hair, you aggravate the skin, cause bruises and the burns.

2. Cystic acne

What is cystic acne and how does it cause an ingrown hair cyst on face? If you have ever seen large bumps on face, usually deep in the skin, those are cystic acne bumps.

When a hair follicle is inflamed, it forms a tough pink skin that covers it completely. This blocks the pore from draining, thus forming a cystic hair follicle.

Cystic acne can cause ingrown hair lumps and cysts
Cystic acne can cause ingrown hair lumps and cysts.

Ingrown hair cysts on the face and neck are mostly associated with cystic acne especially in people who are prone to acne vulgaris.

Large cysts are a normal symptom of this problem, and treating them using conventional methods can easily aggravate them to become even bigger and infected.

3. Clogged pores

According to Earth Clinic, when the skin surface is covered with debris and the pores on the hair follicles are clogged, a hair follicle cyst is likely to form beneath. Sometimes, these cysts form even when there are not embedded or horizontally growing shafts.

Epidermoid cysts, usually synonymous to hair follicle cysts, occur as small bumps under the skin but on the site of the hair follicle. It can however be difficult to differentiate ingrown hair follicle cysts from normal cysts.

Ingrown hairs or herpes?

Can ingrown hairs be confused for herpes? According to LiveStrong, genital herpes and lesions are commonly confused with embedded hairs along the bikini like, or on the genitals.

When people get hair follicle cysts on the penile shaft, around the scrotum and anus, they confuse them with genital herpes.

Herpes is caused by a virus while cysts from ingrown hairs are normally caused by shaving or poor hair removal methods.

Cold sores caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2 viruses are present in between 50 to 80 percent of the American population according to a study by the American Social Health Association.

With this prevalence, most people confuse them with cysts from embedded hairs after shaving.

However, it is important to seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment if you have any of these symptoms related to the two on your skin, especially the pubic region.


What are the symptoms of ingrown hair follicle cysts? The symptoms range from itching, bumps, tender skin and even bruises around the cyst.

The major symptom you will notice is a fluid-filled sac, sometimes appearing to be yellow or white. If it turns green, it is infected and will need treatment.

Yellow ingrown hair cyst
Yellow ingrown hair cyst

Dermoid cysts can also show as a precursor symptom of ingrown hair follicles. You can also experience disgorge when the cysts burst.

The discharge can be a clear fluid or even yellow pus, depending on the stage of the infection, if any. When scratched, or when you try to pop the cyst, blood may come out.

Bleeding ingrown cysts on the hair follicles can easily get infected if not treated quickly.

Infected ingrown hair cyst – folliculitis

Infected ingrown hairs are likely to hurt and have a yellow discharge. When on parts such as the armpit and pubic area, they will cause a lot of discomfort. Here are the symptoms of infected ingrown hair follicle cysts. This condition is also called folliculitis and can occur on any part of the skin with hair, such as the scalp, face, inside nose and underarms.

  • Itchiness and inflammation especially if the cyst is forming on the part that has some friction, such as armpits and bikinis or upper inner thighs. If irritated with friction, they are likely to become painful.
  • Pus discharge due to bacterial activity around the hair follicle. Signs of infection on a growing back hair may include discharge of any kind, green or yellow pus. Do not attempt to pop the cyst if it has such symptoms because you might cause more inflammation.
  • Warmth, redness and tender bumps are also a sign of an infected ingrown hair. The warmth and redness comes from the bacterial activity that irritates the skin.

Deep cyst that won’t go away

Cysts that won’t go away can pose a risk of cancer. If you have been getting treatment for folliculitis that doesn’t get rid of your follicle lesions and cysts, and the bumps are recurrent, it could be a sign of cancer even though the chances are not so high.

Deep lying cysts in your underarms and other parts can be difficult to squeeze and remove at home. Deep and hard cysts on ingrown hairs should be examined using the wiggle text to determine if they are sebaceous cysts or lumps under the skin.

Go for a biopsy in order to determine what the deep lump is and if it is cancerous or not. It must be noted that most cysts on hair follicles and under the armpit are rarely a sign of cancer.

How to get rid of ingrown hair cyst

Most ways to get rid of cysts on hair follicles are similar to treatments for regular embedded hairs caused by shaving. Relief cures include anti-inflammatory medications and remedies. Here are different ways to get rid of ingrown cysts on hair follicles.

Use tea tree oil

If you are looking for a natural treatment, use tea tree oil to heal infected hair follicle cysts. According to TheHealthSite, tea tree oil is effective in getting rid of ingrown hairs and cysts because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Here’s how to use it to heal your infection.

  1. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a little water
  2. Use the solution to clean the area that is affected
  3. Leave it on for a few minutes and rinse with clean lukewarm water.
  4. The antiseptic and antibacterial oil will get rid of the infection fast.

Treatment and cures

Your physician may prescribe some medications to help manage the condition, its pain and grown. Here are the common treatments used to get rid of an ingrown hair cyst.

  • Steroid creams: Topical creams containing steroids usually reduce swelling and irritation or inflammation on the skin part with the cyst.
  • Antibiotic pills and creams are usually prescribed to get rid of the infection, if any. In the case of a severe infection, your doctor might prescribe oral antibiotics in order to cure the infection.
  • If caused by cystic acne, use an anti-acne treatment. Most of them contain salicylic acid, which helps get rid of cysts from acne.
  • Other treatments include retinoids and anti-bacterial injections.

Ingrown hair cyst removal

How do you remove cyst on hair follicles? A dermatologist should do the procedure, but if it is not an infected cysts, and does not lie deep in the skin, you can remove it by yourself. Here’s how to remove an ingrown cyst on hair follicles.

  1. Disinfect the area or cleanse it well.
  2. Gently exfoliate to remove dead cells.
  3. Using tweezers or a pin, prick the head to be able to access the curling hair surrounded by the cyst.
  4. Drain any fluid and swab with a cotton ball.
  5. Grab the curling hair with tweezers and pull out of the skin.
  6. Disinfect the area and leave it to dry.

Here’s a video to help you with the procedure too.

Surgical removal of cysts

Surgical removal of cysts is usually the last resort when all other treatments have failed. It is also an option when the bumps won’t go away or resolve on their own and keep recurring. Large hair follicle cysts may be a source of esthetic discomfort and will be removed through surgery. In some instances, the cyst may be destroyed using laser surgery technique.

How to pop it

While it might be very tempting to pop cysts of hair follicles, it is important that you try to avoid bursting or pricking them yourself. Although you can do it if you know how to pop an ingrown hair cyst on your own and applying medication to prevent infection, it is highly discouraged.

In most cases, aggravating it will make it swell up and get an infection. Nevertheless, here’s how to pop cysts on hair follicles.

  1. Clean your hands and rinse well.
  2. Take a ball of tissue or cotton wool in your hand.
  3. Using a sterilized pin or tweezers for this purpose, prick the cyst.
  4. Drain the pus and pluck out any curving hair follicles.
  5. Clean the area well and use the cotton ball to prevent spreading the fluid to other parts.


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  1. I have three cysts on my vagina close to my leg and one on each vaginal lip they really hurt. What do I do?

  2. I have 3 big cysts after shaving. I squeeze at them but them won’t pop, they showedd up overnight and wont go away. Do you think tea tree oil will really work?

  3. I’ve noticed since I’ve been pre-diabetic I get those cysts, I always wash with QV anti-bacterial liquid but still get cysts. I just leave them alone eventually the burst themselves, what a relief. Recently asked doctor for something to put on them, will see how it goes.

  4. I had one on my face for a long time. I cleaned the area and soaked​ a wet hot towel on it for about 5min…I got a sewing needle and disinfected it first….it hurts when I touch it but had one spot where I feel no pain.. I poked three holes in that spot and began to squeeze​ until it was fully drained…then I cleaned the area and put the warm towel on for another 5

  5. Just noticed under my right armpit several red little bumps thinking ingrown hairs but when I try to attempt to either touch or pop it hurts like hell😩Should I place a hot compress over the area anyone?

  6. i was totally disgusted to see such filthy fingernails any way near an ingrown hair & then not even cleaning off blood with an anticeptic or cotton wool. You need to delete this video & get some one washes their hands properly & cleans their nails as this is asking for trouble. I can’t see any reason under normal circumstances why anybody can excuse dirty nails…it is so off puting. Please take heed.

  7. Here’s an easy, effective and hygienic treatment product
    ANTHONY’S Ingrown Hair Treatment
    What it is:
    A gel complex of glycolic, salicylic, and phytic acids to treat ingrown hairs.

    What it is formulated to do:
    This powerful formula for men and women gently removes dead skin, helps fight bacteria, and frees the hair before it becomes ingrown. Ultra-moisturizing and great for all skin types, it’s infused with willowherb and lavender to soothe and calm the skin and to help prevent future ingrown hair irritation.

    What it is formulated without:
    – Parabens
    *I do not work for either Sephora or product company and am not a licensed medical professional. This product works amazingly well and quickly for me. Cheers

  8. I have a bump filled with and blood. Its completely gross and painful its right above the vaginal area and close to my right leg anytime I walk they touch and it hurts. I’ve squeezed it about 3 times now and its quite painful the 2nd time I squeezed blood just squirted out and it got messy. I expected it to swell down the next day but it feels the same and its gotten more difficult to pop. Any advice? I’m desperate

    • Always get a hot wash towel as hot as you can stand it and put it o the ingrown hair,before attempting to pop it…it helps loosen.the head and pops easier and helps with the ingrown hair get to the opening….

  9. I had an ingrown hair in my groin area and it kept getting bigger and bigger. It hurt so bad. I went to urgent care and they put me on antibiotics, but did not drain it. It got worse and worse throughout the week. OMG it hurt so bad- I could barely walk or drive- everything hurt I was doing everything like warm compress, clean with alcohol etc., but it was still closed. Finally, I made an emergency appt with my derm, who lanced it. It was so gross, but it felt so much better after. The next few days were rough- keeping it clean, feeling like shit. The pain finally went away, and it is still hard under the skin. It ended up being staph MRSA, and I am just hoping it doesnt pop up anywhere else on my body. Now I have to decolonize my body and pray that I never get one of these again.

  10. I have a bump in the vaginal area about an inch from the groin. It is not tender, nor sore at all, and when I’ve tried popping it nothing comes out. But it seems to be the size of a dime – including the depth – when I roll it between my fingers. It seems to have gotten a little deeper. Should I be worried? I can’t see it since I am overweight. But I feel it every time I bathe. I want to put my mind at ease since cancers are on both sides of my family. I am trying to lose weight but to no avail since I am having back problems and 2 doctors told me no exercise and not to walk over 1,000 steps which I don’t get less than 1,800 because I must walk my dog outside to do her business.

    • Hello Pamel,
      The lump you are describing sounds like a sebaceous cyst, but they rarely occur in the groin area. We would advice that you don’t ignore it. See a doctor for the lump to be examined, just to rule out the chances of it being a sign of cancer.

    • Go to a doctor and get that bump looked at, it will put your mind at ease… Join weightwatchers if classes are locally availabe to you. You will lose weight if you follow the program!! Exercise is not the biggest part of losing weight food is! Trust me I know as I’ve lost four stone in just over a year! Do it now and you will feel so much better!!

  11. I have ingrown hairs on my vulva. Theyve created big hug bumps. The bumps are starting to be completely be covered in white (pus im guessing). Theyre also hurting very bad. Will they burst on their own?!!

    • I don’t know if medically this is the proper advice…but… I had two or three spots like that and they cycled back and forth from almost going away to big and painful so I finally got sick of it and squeezed as hard as I possibly could and it split my skin looking almost like I lanced it.. it blew a splattermist of blood and puss at incredible speed and distance and the pain almost knocked me out…but OMG what a relief!!!! Instantly.. so I did the other one or two as well…good luck. I know how irritating they are.

    • You need to exfoliate two to three times a week. Get Boscia’s exfoliating gel or European Wax Center’s exfoliating gel.

    • I have had them also. Mine have never gone away or popped on there own. They would get so big and painful, that I would apply a warm compress or sit in a warm tub, then squeeze them to get them open. Would hurt like heck when squeezed, but then it would instant relief. I would usually need to squeeze them for a couple more times for a couple of days to get everything out. Usually would be a bloody puss filled sack.
      Asked my doctor what I could do to stop them from forming, and was told nothing could be done.

  12. Ouch! I’ve been using Penchant Bare for my ingrown hairs and so far so good. Those things hurt!

  13. Kelaine Martin

    HELP FRIENDS! I, even being an RN had NEVER heard to NEVER PLUCK nose hairs. I’m a lady. 46 and at age hair grows where not wanted!! 10 weeks ago I plucked about 15 hairs from each nostril. MAYBE 20 % of hairs came back. I have multiple and VERY painful bumps in and on nose. I have seen 2 different ENTs in Florida where healthcare is HORRIBLE. Anyway, both drs told me just to leave it alone. I cannot suffer any longer. Docs said no to treating (I wanted them opened up and whatever they are, drained and hairs pulled to service. If ANYONE has been through this or has advice please email kellywickham at the Y place. Thank you.

    • I had the same thing. Chose to pop them open using a needle I sterilized with alcohol. It relieved the painful pressure but ended up getting a staf infection. Face swelled up luckily oral antibiotics cleared it up.

  14. Here’s a little tip…when shooting a video of how to remove / pop a cyst . Perhaps cleaning your dirty fingernails would be a good idea. Next to that you may as well have used a rusty nail.

    • I wonder how infected everything got after that video, rusty nail was my exact thought! My hands are clean but I had to go wash them just for thinking of that person!

  15. Holy smokes. Heres a tip… Clean your fingernails. Then shoot a video of how to open and clean out a cyst.
    Nice sterile setup.

  16. Chantal McCulligh

    Eww. I can’t even stand these pictures. I used to have ingrowns like crazy. Try using a Kalo ingrown hair treatment with a Kalo hair inhibitor. The combination is unreal.

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